• Teaching powerdown,  What We Can Do series

    Stories for our time

    Let’s get started with a story. Really, several stories — or versions of reality, or ways people view the world. Three Stories for our time The first set comes from Joanna Macy, who refers to herself as an “ecophilosopher.” For…

  • Climate solutions,  Well-being

    Breathe in the gap

    There’s a significant gap between the direction of contemporary society, and ecologically-sound lifestyle habits. Take a deep breath and begin to reconnect with true reality. Why this is important The mainstream consumerist world zooms along in its frenzied more-more-more track,…

  • My home garden

    Why do I care about seeds?

    A fascination with little tiny objects – that’s probably how it started. I remember collecting seeds in my mother’s garden as a child. I’d gather minuscule flat honey-tan alyssum seeds. In my pocket linings I’d hoard round red-brown glossy seeds from a special…

  • Economic Resilience

    Part III: Local Resilience through Collapse

    Economic resilience = creating highly resilient structures which will enable our local communities to survive, hopefully with a relative level of peace and security. Like anything in the work of trying to further this transition, we need to consider the…

  • Creating social change

    There’s too much to learn!

    I’ve been hearing this line lately, as Transition Los Angeles works with people to help them adapt toward post-petroleum lifestyles. “There’s too much to learn!” But look at what you already know. Look at the massive amount of knowledge you…