Abundant Harvests - garden info

Why edible landscaping?

• Edible landscaping puts the city footprint to use.
• Your landscape water performs dual duty – aesthetic AND food production.
• Edible landscaping helps cut the oil use, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions of importing your food.
• Health: You can control the amount of chemicals in your food. Eating with the seasons means eating vegetables at maximum freshness, peak of ripeness, and maximum nutrition. Gardening is healthy exercise, stretching, and fresh air.
• Culture: Growing food with your family educates future generations. You gain a skill base for uncertain times. You’re joining in urban solutions for the future of society.
• Food Security: As the era of cheap oil draws to a close, it is becoming critical to shorten the distances. We need to grow food where the people are, rather than half a world away.
• Nature: You can foster nature’s biodiversity through heirloom vegetable varieties. Integrating selected beneficial flowers provides habitat and food for nature’s pollinators and other living species.
• Waste: Home composting means less trash goes to landfills. It saves oil use/pollution/greenhouse gas emissions of hauling away green trash. And it builds rich soil life which is essential for sustainable fertility.
• Spirit: It’s fun. It’s relaxing. Purposeful action is fulfilling. And edible landscaping reconnects us to the cycles of the planet.

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