Community events in Westchester,  Creating social change

Solidarity, Resistance, Resolve and Resilience

What next? Certainly we are all watching national headlines in shock and horror. Most of the things that matter to us most – from climate action to human rights to the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution itself – are in serious jeopardy at this moment.

I remember back in 2000 when dismaying election results began rolling in. A dear friend pointed out to me that when the going gets tough, activists get tougher. We get moving. We take action.

And my friend was right. Through those years, we saw tremendous growth in progressive organizations, and we built the “human infrastructure” for tremendous progress in many of the causes we know are so important for a just and liveable world.

Right now, certainly, it is time for grieving. It is time to honor our feelings, acknowledge the loss, then to figure out the lessons we learned through it. But very soon, it is time for renewed action. Not simply “supporting” or “believing in” our favorite causes, but actively getting out there DOING STUFF.

Plant that garden in solidarity with the local food movement. Get out and march with Standing Rock. Build the infrastructure of the post-petroleum future. Make the no-fly pledge. Fix your bicycle so you can join carbon-free transporation. Do things that you never did before.

This Saturday, Nov 12, there is a Community Bake at the Westchester Community Oven. If you would like to gather with like-minded others, or simply come get a hug, we’d love to see you.

Lunch hour/Pizza details here  ;   Late afternoon/Bread details here

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