Peter H. Rood
. 1955-2023

On April 20, 2023, Peter Rood — the co-founder of the Environmental Change-Makers, and the man behind why we have a Community Garden together with a wood-fired bread oven at the Holy Nativity site in Westchester/L.A. — underwent complex heart surgery. He did not make it out of surgery.
Peter was co-founder of the Environmental Change-Makers. He was the pastor at the Holy Nativity church site where we held many ECM events, where we grew a food garden, demonstrated rainwater harvesting, and built a community oven. He was the visionary behind the activities and events, and the inspiration and guide to community-building.
Peter leaves behind three children, 5 grandchildren, a brother in SoCal, and a sister in AZ. His daughter lives here in Westchester with husband and their 2 kids, one son is in Playa Vista with wife and newborn, and the eldest son is in the UK with 2 kids. Peter’s wife Christen passed away a little over 2 years ago.
more about Peter:
- Photo essay: The Change-Making work of Peter Rood
- “Entry Points: Church as Hosting Community,” Peter interviewed by the Christian Century, May 2009
- “A Special Introduction to Communities of Faith,” introduction written by Peter, from Peter’s & my book, Environmental Change-Making, 2008
- access pdf of Peter’s intro, via my Podia site
- access pdf of the entire book, via my Podia site (coming soon)
- public memorial page for Peter, at EverLoved site, set up by his son Julian. This page includes updates about services
Blog posts here on about Peter & ECM: