Whatever Comes Next


What if our economic forces were designed to work in partnership with Nature rather than against her? What if our economy promoted the best of human nature — our collaborative, caring and nurturing aspects. What if economic sectors were designed to work in harmony with each other, mimicking a supportive ecosystem? What might such an economy look like?

Whatever Comes Next

the new novel in the Change-Making series

Coming soon

from Joanne Poyourow

The global economy has pointed humanity toward ecological ruin, and now its mighty institutions are crumbling and failing.

College professor Carl Farren dreams of “an economy that supports Life.” The emerging new economy, he theorizes, could be eco-friendly, socially-just, and provide a safety net for grassroots citizens. Carl tries to figure out how to bring these scholarly ideas to reality.

Meanwhile, he realizes, to his horror, that the power elite is certainly prepared to fight any changes.

And Carl’s own students hear in his plan a rallying cry for a violent revolution.


Environmental and Economic Change

Okay, Okay, what is this novel really about? Fun ideas like these:

WCN wordcloud 1


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Every little bit counts and is appreciated. Patrons at the highest 2 levels will be listed on the Appreciation page in the finished book.

